Friday, February 29, 2008

Love this pic (don't mind the piles of laundry).
This is "Sir Treven" and he is jousting. As you can see Dad is the horse.
Here is the list of events, Trev stands on the couch and says, "Stand your ready." Then he runs down jumps on his dad with his lance, yells "charge", dad runs(gallops) into the couch, Trev pretends to fall off moaning, then gets down on one knee as dad, who is now the King, knights Trev. Quite a series of events and absolutly hillarious to watch!


Anonymous said...


kristin said...

Okay-seriously LOL!!! I can just envision this! He really is quite the kid! So much personality for such a little person. LOVE IT!(I sang that in opera.)

Unknown said...

Too funny! I love all your new pics! Your blog looks great! :)