Wednesday, April 29, 2009


...Treven, Maycie and I were outside blowing bubbles and one of them blew right at me and popped on my chest (you know what I'm talking about) and Treven says to me...
"Oh my gosh mom, that bubble just landed on your BIG (drawn out until he has no more breath)(inhale) booby!"
How does he know what a boob is?
Okay, so I guess he probably knows what they are by now considering that I fed Maycie with them for A YEAR!!!
But seriously, did the kid have to yell it loud enough that our neighbors over the fence busted up?
Gotta love him!


Anonymous said...

I love that Treven! I'm going to miss you guys!

Meteor magnets said...


Sounds like a BOY for you! I think all boys are born knowing what Boobs & Cars/Trucks are! :D LOL! I love it!

It's as good as Turtle yelling in church "I want some booby milk, mom!" (About 14 months old!) Boys will be boys! ~Robin

Holly Walton said...

That's kidda really funny!! I love how kids just come out & say whatever is on their mind!!

kristin said...

I can so hear him saying that, inflections and all!! So funny!! I too will miss you guys and am not going to think about it anymore. Because then I'll cry, and then it'll turn into the ugly cry, and then my eyes will get all puffy, so puffy that I won't be able to blame it on allergies. And then I won't be able to sleep tonight cause I'll be too stuffy. Do you really want to inflict this kind of pain on me?

Janie said...

That's hillarious!!!

Unknown said...

I am laughing so hard!!! hahahahaha

Elisha said...

hehe that is funny. Hey you should be blogging about a big move here soon right. hehe can't wait.

Unknown said...

He's gonna be a boob man!

Wendy Day said...

My little Kaylee likes to blurt things out too. The other day we were at wal-mart and she yells "I've got a wedgie". There was a man not 3 ft. from us. Somehwere she has picked up the word sh**. I was floored the first time I heard her say it. I do not use that word. I am just afraid that she is going to say it at church.

JenkinsonKS said...

This really got me laughing!! What a funny boy! I hope things are going good for you in your new place. love ya!