Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our Patriotic Pretties


Anonymous said...

I miss these kids, they are so cute!

Anonymous said...

YOU POSTED!!! You know I live to see my niece and nephew so post more often:)
I miss you. WE really miss you guys. Hope you had fun in Utah!!! Can you guys just move back already??

Anonymous said...

Oh oops, it's not Teaghan but her mother. I forget she has a gmail account:) I no longer have an identity- I've become Teaghan's mother. That's my name now. I know I should wear it proudly, but I seem to miss my identity somehow. Maybe I should quit writing a comment and devote this problem to a full on post. lol

Elisha said...

cute pics. I bet it was much cooler in UT for the 4th then here. Are you surviving the heat?? hehe

Amy Jarrett Hill said...

OK. LOVE your blog and here is a perfect example of what I DON'T know about photo shop. I would not know how to line up a group of photos like this! So help me please! Love it.