Monday, August 3, 2009

Here's to the next 13 years!

I am sitting here at my computer trying to think of something clever to say about Treven's first day of Kindergarten but, I can't. All I can think of is how bitter sweet this moment really is! Treven started kindergarten this morning at 7:45 am and will be returning home at 2:30 pm. My heart is lonely and I miss him! I told myself that I wasn't going to cry, in fact I think that I was actually throwing a little party inside at the thought of only having one kid at home. Then it happened! We walk into his classroom, all is well. We find Treven's seat, all is well. His teacher asks all the parents to say goodbye and be on their way, all is well. I look at Treven to say goodbye one last time, all is NOT well! His big blues were staring right at me as if to say "Are you sure I'm safe here?" All of a sudden my heart overflows into my tear glands and water starts to drip from the corner of my eyes. I quickly give one last kiss and hug (much tighter than the ones before) and try to find the door through foggy eyes. I reach the outside and I let lose! I mean, I cried and I cried hard and I didn't care who saw or heard me (probably because I don't know anyone)! I hurried to my car and called my mom. We cried together.
What is it that makes us sad to have our children grow up?
Well Treven, here's to the next 13 years of school with many more to follow! You are a genius in our books! You will be missed at home by your mom (who feels like she lost a best friend) and by your true best friend, Maycie. We are excited for what you have in store and all the friends you will make! Take these years and make the MOST of them! Trust me, they go fast!
We love you!


Marilyn said...

Yup, that's how it works. I'm sure at the end of the day you'll both have lots to tell each other. He will want to tell you all about his new friends, and who threw up :) and other great first day things. Enjoy. Too soon they don't want you to know anything.

Love, Aunt Marilyn

Unknown said...

Oh man, I'm scared of kindergarden now! Just kidding. That was a really sweet post. I sure hope he enjoys being in kindergarden:)

Jen said...

I'm proud of you for holding it together as long as you did! What a sweet boy Trevin is. He is growing up so fast. I miss you all and hope that everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

i know it's hard, but he really is going to have so much fun, and have so much to come home and talk to you about. good job for making it through the first day, it only gets easier from here. :) love you!!

Swrdnstn said...

Kinda the way Mom and I felt when we moved you to Arizona. But I am sure you will have stories to tell and new friends etc. We are so proud of Treven! It is exciting to watch him grow-up! Thanks for sharing him with us!

Love ya!


Melissa said...

Just yesterday the song Stacey's Mom came on the radio and I was thinking about your baby shower and how we were obsessed with say, Treven's mom has got it going on! I can't believe how old he is!

Anonymous said...

This is horrible Coleen! I'm crying just reading it! I'm dreading Austin's first day next week. If you can do, so can I. Tell Treven we are very proud of him and we are proud of you too! Miss you!

Angelee said...

I have to admit that I too got a little mist in the eyes reading your post. We are getting ready for preschool in our house and the thought of him leaving is too much. I'm just glad only you were crying...if he were too, you'd really have made a scene. miss you.

Tammy said...

Aawww. It makes me really want to make the most of this next year while I still have Kailey here.

Alicia Ann said...

I cried with the first two when they started. But my baby started Kindergarten this year and I was fine. It definitely gets easier.