We have managed to keep Treven out of the Dr.'s office and the hospital for the ENTIRE 3rd year of his short little life! Anyone who knows what roller coaster we've been riding, knows that this was a huge accomplishment! Well, apparently when you boast, the Lord has a funny way of dishing you a slice of "Humble Pie"(its really tasty). Treven turned 4 on Monday and 2 days into the 4th year of his short little life we found ourselves at the Emergency Room.

It all started when we came home from the park that morning. Trev said that he was cold and wanted a blanket, but I noticed that his whole body was shaking and he had goose bumps the size of Road Island all over. I took his temp and what do ya know...103! Yikes! So immediately I made him down the Motrin(best stuff since sliced bread) and a big glass of fluids. A couple of hours later Trev tells me that he wants to lay in mommy's bed and talk about Jesus. So not being able to resist his sweet request we laid down and began to talk and look at books about Jesus. Then the unthinkable happened...he fell asleep! We are talking about a kid who WON'T sleep unless you give him an ultimatum. O.k. so to make a long story even longer, he wakes up about 45 mins later screaming that his head hurt and he couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't really swallow his spit. I finally got him to open his eyes and they were rolling around in their sockets like a bunch of bowling balls(this is where I start to FREAK OUT) not to mention that his temp was 103 with Motrin in his system!
Side note: I over react and Erik under reacts, that is why we are perfect for each other. Balance.
Back to the story...I am freaking out in a calm matter when Erik comes home from golfing. He takes one look at Trev and says to me "I think we need to take him to the ER!" What? If Erik thinks that he needs to go to the ER then this must be really bad.
We load up the kids(Maycie, by the way, is being a perfect little angel! Thank you Heavenly Father!) and start on our way to the hospital. Treven is soooo lethargic that we are trying to keep him awake with questions.
"Treven, are you tired?"
"uhg" the only response that we could get out of him
"Trev, do you want to go to sleep?"
"What are you going to dream about?"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? A totally unresponsive kid telling me that he just wants to go to sleep and dream about Jesus? I'm now thinking that he is going to die! Erik speeds up and we make it to the ER only to find out that they couldn't find anything out! Blood test, chest x-rays, and an exam found nothing abnormal. So we got sent home with the instructions to continue the Motrin and lots of fluids.
So, here we are 3 DAYS later and his temp is still about 102! "Oh it's just a virus" is all we are told. Anyways, so much for a healthy start to his 4th year of his short little life so far. Here's to the next 11 months, may they find us NOT in the ER!
O.k. I was just freaking out reading your story and he isn't even my kid. I am so sorry he has to go through this. Poor little guy. Hope he is feeling better and has a fast recovery. Here's to no more hopistal visits for him.
Any updates?
Colleen!! That is so scary!! I tried to call you yesterday to see how y'all are doing but I don't think I have your right phone number, it just rang and rang!! I hope everything is okay! If you need something...babysitting or whatever, let me know!!
Poor Trevin. At least he had a healthy Birthday.
That story seems familiar though. Just a few days ago Andrew was sick and in the middle of the night he cried for me. When I went to check on him I felt his chest and it was beating like CRAZY! I was a little worried and so I told Evan, then we went back to sleep. When Andrew cried again Evan went to comfort him back to sleep. Then Evan comes in to tells me that he is taking Andrew to the ER because he was worried about his fast heart rate.
Anyway, Evan and Andrew went down and hung out in the ER for 2 hours at 2AM to find out that all kids have a fast heart rate. Just one of those hard lessons learned.
Hope Trevin is feeling better, for your sake. :)
Wow - hope he's okay! I find it funny that he asks to talk about Jesus because Kailey asks to talk about Jesus all the time!
Poor Baby! I feel for you guys too, that is so freaky to have a sick kid.
On another note<
Congrats! to you and your hubby on your accomplishments! Good luck with everything to come.
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